Friday, June 27, 2014

KF5 Tutorial 2 - How To Use KXmlGuiWindow

In first tutorial, we learned how to write our first KF5 program. In this 2nd tutorial, we will learn how to create a main window program. Again, this is example 2 from KDE4 - Development series available here. Credit for code goes to original writer of the code on  KDE techbase site. I will be making changes in that code so that it can be compiled and run using KDE Frameworks 5 libraries. With that said, you can use code in this post for learning development with KF5 libraries.

I will not explain each line of code like it is explained in KDE4 tutorial, however you will find short comments within code which will give you some idea about what's being done. I plan to add explanation for code at later time. Also, I am not pointing out changes that are made for porting purpose because I am planning to do it in near future.

Before we begin, I assume that you have development environment setup and you have completed the first tutorial. You need at least following software installed.
  • Qt 5.3
  • KDE Frameworks 5(KF5)
  • cmake
  • extra-cmake-modules(ECM)

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Hello World with KDE Frameworks 5

I have been wanting to learn KDE development for very long time but couldn't do much in the past due to various reasons. Now, with KDE Frameworks 5 beta releases are out, this is a great time to start.

I am documenting my learning process here for my reference and anybody else on the web who would like to have simple start point.